Where do I find 的 most recent election results?
参观 马勒县书记官网站 . 的 site is a clearinghouse of information on 的 latest election as well as past elections. 的 site includes information on voter registration information, 样本选票, a list of election resources and election night returns. For more information, or specific questions about election, contact 的 县书记办公室.
我想结婚. 我怎样才能拿到驾照?
的 县 is responsible for issuing 结婚证.
请参阅 的 县 Marriage information page 了解更多信息.
How can I bail my friend out of 监狱?
欲知有关 监狱 有任何问题,请致电:(541)473-5510
I think 的re is a warrant for me. 我怎么知道呢?
Go to 的 治安官s Office in Person. Do not call 的 治安官’s Office or 监狱, staff are not permitted to give that information over 的 phone.
欲知有关 trials or jury duty, call: (541) 473-5171.
Where can I get a restraining order?
欲知有关 restraining orders, call 的 Malheur County 地方检察官’s Office: (541) 473-5127.
I want my road (county only) graded, plowed, paved, vacated. 我该给谁打电话?
公路部门 (541) 473-5191.
Where do I get information on flood warnings and local river flows?
博伊西国家气象局 can be found at 的 following web address: http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/boi/, and during times of high water flows, 的 Emergency Alert System will be activated. Information will be provided on KSRV radio and Boise television stations. You can also call Malheur County 治安官’s Dispatch (541)473-5125.
Where can I get road condition information for Oregon?
拨打5-1-1或到 俄勒冈州的部门. 的交通工具 旅行支票.
I’m looking for 的 推广服务. Who are 的y, and what do 的y do?
Oregon State University Malheur 推广服务
Phone: (541) 881-1417; Fax: (541) 889-8840
的 推广服务 offers educational programs in agriculture, 草坪和花园, 青年发展, 食物, 营养与家庭生活. Services also include on-farm research and demonstration projects and 的 4-H program.
If you have a weed you can’t identify, you can call 的 县杂草检查员 用于现场鉴定, or collect as much of 的 plant as possible, 包括根, put it in a plastic bag and keep it as cool as possible. Bring it to 的 杂草检查员’s office at 的 County 公路部门, 瓦尔市巴克利路1001号, 或者到 县推广办事处 在710秒.W. 第五大街. 在安大略省.
Are building permits issued at 的 courthouse?
No. 它们是由 建筑部门位于Nyssa. 打电话给541-372-5460. 由 规划部门 is required before building permits can be issued.
How can I obtain a copy of 的 Malheur County Code?
You may purchase a copy of 的 Malheur County Code from Sterling Codifiers, Inc., 7600 Mineral Drive, Coeur d’Alene, ID., 83814 (208) 762-3449. 你可在 这里是县代码.
I have questions about transporting material into Oregon. 我该向谁打电话申请旅行许可?
To obtain transportation permits please call Oregon Department of Transportation Motor Carrier at 503-378-6699 between 的 hours of 4:30 a.m. 太平洋时间午夜. 网站
If you live in a Malheur County Rural Fire district, 市区外, a burn permit is required for burns including burn barrels, agriculture and construction burns. Use of a burn barrel, covered by a mesh screen, requires a burn permit. 的re is no fee, but application must be made in person with your fire district.
小道堆填区 工作时间如下. 的 hours are 的 same all year except holiday closures.
星期二和星期四,下午1点.m. 到5点.m.
星期六,9点.m. 到5点.m.
What are 的 rates at Lytle Landfill?
Fees vary and are determined at 的 site. 调用 环境卫生部. (541) 473-5186 for more detailed information.
Does 的 county have any land for sale?
Tax foreclosure land is listed and handled by 的 County Tax Collector (541) 473-5165. 不被出售的土地
的 public auction is turned over to Malheur County Court.
Click here for Tax office information.
Small claims may be filed at 的 马勒司法法院 在安大略省 (541) 889-5712, or in District Court in Vale (541) 473-5194. Filing costs are less when filed in 的 Justice Court than in 的 District Court.